A look at MKULTRA mind control in professional sports over the years.

Submitted by FatesWebb on Sat, 11/25/2023 - 17:20

How some sports players are mind control slaves programmed by the cia using mkultra mind control techniques, and have been for decades.

A huge amount of the top professional athletes are mind controlled Monarch slaves. (Initally NAZI science that found its way to the CIA throuh project paperclip http://whale.to/b/patton.html ) That's what those youtube compilations of them acting strangely are, it's their programming breaking down/failing, or switching 'alters' at the wrong time. Big sports are all rigged, they make huge amounts of money from 'gambling' on games played by their mind controlled 'robots'. Sports are used as a general distraction for the public as well.

Tiger Woods, Mind Control & MK Ultra

Relevant quotes:

"The cream 'Queen Anne' fortress building by the hill overlooking Wimbledon is also an access point to Illuminati tunnels which run under this hill. All of the seeded tennis players have to kneel to the Royal Family in a demonic rite - in a large hall under this hill. There is also a 'passing out' ceremony which used to make Stella Rimington laugh a lot and for obvious reasons - they were all electrocuted to take away their memories and pass out after the ceremony - where the winner of the men's and women's singles are forced to have sex with one another, in front of their contemporaries of the tennis world AND the Royal Family always attend with their Illuminati notaries. This is an exercise in humiliation. The tennis players are being taught that they might feel magnificent after having won Wimbledon but they are only mind control slaves of the Crown."

Ex MI6/Royal Arch slave

"My programmed mind contained a 'baseball computer' that was created for Reagan, and used by many, including Thornburgh, LaSorda, Dante, and Zerilla. It was packed with the binds of statistics in which they were interested; the codes, keys, triggers and hand signals of certain mind-controlled baseball players. Zerilla and Thomburgh were cruising en route to the Dominican Republic to the CIA baseball mind-control farm to scout out new slaves. They talked excitedly about the prospect of winning large sums of money through gambling on rigged games. I had been aware for years that many pro players, particularly LaSorda's Dodgers, were mind-controlled and triggered to win or lose according to their owners' bets and favors. The Dodgers, Reagan's 'favorite American pastime' ball team continuously won, including the World Series during his Administration. The Mafia was in on the bet rigging, and information was passed to certain ones through Thornburgh and others as gleaned from my 'baseball computer' programming."

Cathy O'Brien

"'Dodger diamonds' had a double meaning. In addition to the baseball diamond as on a baseball field, in my experience, it also referred to the 'Dodger Diamonds,' the mind-controlled women the Dodgers could select from for sex. Lasorda often spoke in cryptic language, intended to manipulate and inspire the Dodgers. One evening as he spoke to the team, he said, "If you play good on the Dodger diamond (the playing field), you will get in return a 'Dodger Diamond'" (a sex slave). Presidential model sex slaves often wore diamonds as program identifiers. My daughter and I wore diamonds. One night I watched, as I waited for the 'lineup,' while Lasorda was coaching the team. He chalked a diagram of the field onto a large chalkboard. The Dodgers were all sitting on a bench in front of him. Lasorda spoke in funny rhymes to some of the players, rhymes that didn't make much sense to me. It seemed that the players were like robots that were robotically manipulated by the words Lasorda spoke to them. I overheard him say, "Steve (Garvey), you will hit a home run. Ron (Cey), you will bunt since you're a runt. Only runts bunt." And he went on and on like that, seeming to program the plays into the players. I was programmed to not see the players or to recognize them if I should see them."

Brice Taylor

"As the programmer continues with the script, a Delta fragment will be given NWO codes, bank account numbers, and major sports numbers (so other NWO folks know who is going to win ahead of time). This fragment will simply be a mental floppy disk."

Fritz Springmeier